Day: June 19, 2024

How Does an Electric Car Compare to a Gas Car?How Does an Electric Car Compare to a Gas Car?

If reducing emissions and fuel costs, enjoying quieter driving, or taking advantage of cutting-edge high-tech features are important to you, an all-electric (AEV) or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) may be the perfect choice. But EVs are more expensive to buy up front, and they require longer charge times than gas-powered vehicles. This has led to some buyers experiencing “range anxiety,” fearing they won’t have enough range for a trip. Fortunately, more models with longer EPA-estimated ranges are now available to help alleviate such concerns.

Today’s best electric car compare also deliver swift acceleration that outclasses comparable gas cars in their respective market segments, and many are packed with leading-edge safety features. These features can reduce injuries and deaths from crashes and enhance overall vehicle performance and convenience.

Hertz Atlantic Blvd: Renting Electric Vehicles with Ease

EV owners can save money compared to those who drive gasoline cars, but how much is depends on factors like where you live and how and when you charge your car. Check out our article comparing the cost of charging an EV to pumping gas to learn more about estimating how much you’ll save.

With new EVs arriving at a faster rate than ever before, finding the right model to suit your needs has never been easier. We’ve hand-picked the top-performing EVs based on price, performance and features, ranging from affordable city commuters to high-end luxury sports sedans. Click the links below to find out more about each.