Day: March 14, 2024

How to Help Your Child With Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEN)How to Help Your Child With Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEN)

All children have difficulties with learning at some time. These are usually temporary and will improve with help and support at school or in the nursery. Some children have more serious difficulties and may need special educational needs and disabilities (sen child) help to do well in school.

The law says that schools have a legal duty to identify and assess SEN and then make suitable provision for them. It also gives parents the right to ask for an Education, Health and Care Needs assessment if they think that their child is not making progress with the help provided.

Navigating the Challenges of Parenting a Special Needs Child

Schools and local authorities must work together to carry out a clear analysis of your child’s difficulties, what they need to learn, how much help they need and what the impact is on their life and development. The process should involve the class teacher and school SENCO, the views of your child and where appropriate other professionals such as your doctor or health visitors.

Your child may be helped with an SEN statement or an Education, Health, and Care Plan. If they were supported through a School Action or School Action Plus and their statement has now expired they should have moved onto Additional SEN Support and this should be clearly identified on their new statement.

You can contact the person responsible for SEN at your child’s school or nursery, called the SEN co-ordinator or SENDCO. You can also contact your local Information, Advice and Support Service for advice on SEND.